Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Color Correction 2

color correctin this image wasnt easy first the section part was hard i couldnt really use the laso tool so i used the quick mass tool zooming really close to the picture and lower the brush tolerance i was able to select pacific areas of the picture. Color the picture came easy after i isolated the area that i needed to correct. Useing the brigtness and contrast levels and curves i was able to correct it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Project 3: Color Correction

The bird wasnt easy to correct, I had a little trouble trying to get the contrast of the bird correct. While using  adjustments i played with the brightness/contrast tool i was able to correct the image color acorrding to my eyes.
While adding a little vibration to this image and playing with the brightness and contrast tool i was able to correct this image. This one to me was much easier then the bird.

This one was the easiest of them all because all i had to was play adjust the curves a little bit and edit the the brightness and contrast. This was fun project to do and not all people could correct image color because everyones eyes could percieve differnt colors. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Photoshop Cutting And seleting

In this project i basically just had to select and cut out the background of the of the 2 photos. It was annoying trying to use the quick mass tool but all i had to do was lower the brush at first i had the brush to big and i couldnt get around the hair. I tried using the lasso tool but my hand was sturdy enough to try to get around the hair but i think that it is cool that u could muniplate photos and cut and add backgrounds from different photos to another.